University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2025
ALTER Society
Alter, European Society for Disability Research, is a learned society whose purpose is to promote research in the social sciences and humanities on disability. The emphasis is placed on the plurality of scientific approaches and knowledge (theoretical, applied, derived from the experience of disability…) that this field of research offers.
Targeted on Europe, it is nevertheless open to the international scientific community. Alter ESDR is more broadly addressed to all those interested in disability and the questions it raises, with no reservations about research orientations.
ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research
Alter, European Journal of Disability Research, is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to social and human science research on disability and otherness. Alter is the journal of Alter European Society for Disability Research.
It is addressed to all those who are interested in the results of research on disability and alterities: researchers, students, teachers, people concerned by disability, political decision-makers, professionals, disabled people’s organisations…